Car insurance is one of those thing you pay for and hope you never have to use it. You would like to believe that you’re getting a good insurance company and the cheapest price for the auto insurance. I’ll help you try to do that because we all want to feel comfortable that we’re getting the best deal and that the insurance company will pay their claims fairly.
Not all auto insurance companies are created equal. Shopping around with multiple companies is definitely the best way to confirm you’re getting the best deal. I write more about this in another article You can do a general search of the internet and find several sites that list rankings of insurance companies. Of course, each site has their own set up of how they did the test. Here’s one I do trust from a company that caters to us as independent insurance agents click here to read their rankings
Another great way and in my opinion the best, is to read customer reviews. Even bad reviews can help with understanding how an auto insurance company will deal with you. A well rounded picture is what I want. I do prefer larger companies, but know for a fact there are many smaller companies out there that do a great job. Especially in an Independent insurance agency, we have a a few of these are love them.
Coverage of course matters if something happens. Arkansas minimum limits of liability are 25,000/50,000/25,000, but you may need higher limits if you own property and/or have more assets to protect. Of course, deciding and buying the right coverage is your personal choice, but your insurance may be able to help go through it and make an informed decision.
Cheap car insurance is out there in the form of companies that will charge you and fight paying a claim. Their are also many good car insurance companies that will reward with the cheapest auto insurance rates and pay claims like they should. Check, read, and get rates from several companies. If you’re having trouble with an auto insurance claim and need help check out this article.
About the Author:
DJ Noland is a licensed insurance professional in the state of Arkansas and managing Principal of McGhee Insurance Agency of North Little Rock, AR. Our offices specialize in placing insurance protection for individuals and families & businesses in Arkansas and would love to visit with you on your insurance protection to help structure a plan to protect what you’ve worked so hard for and will work hard for in the future.
[Click here to contact DJ today.]
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